The show was judged by Laurent Hilaire. The majority of the bulls were mixed type or mixed beefy type. Only 4 were mixed breedy type bulls and they were not sold in the sale. Sale after sale, it is more and more obvious that the demand for early maturing bulls with a lot of thickness is increasing.
Spain bought 9 bulls in total, Rumania 3 and Italy one. Lot 49 (Champeval) was best bull of the show and sold for 4200€. Best hindquarter went to lot 46 (Pin) which sold for 6100€. Lot 31 (Benoit – 1st in his class) sold to the french AI centre Genes Diffusion.
Our next sale will take place in PARIS-VILLEPINTE during the SIMA show on 1st march 2017! We are looking forward to see you there!
- 1er Prix de Section: Gaec Laloi
- 1er Prix de Section: Earl Benoit
- Meilleur Quartiere Arriere: Gaec PIN
- Campione del Concorso: Gaec Champeval
- 1er Prix de Section: Gaec Berthé